Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Daddy's Girl!

Dear Quinn,
Right now you are sleeping upstairs in your crib, your brothers are curled up on the couch beside me, and I hear your Daddy laughing at a movie on Netflix. Such normal, ordinary occurrences, but tonight they have me feeling incredibly lucky, and incredibly blessed. Our little family fills this house with so much love that at times it just amazes me. There is never a shortage of smiles, hugs, kisses and laughter in our home and I pray it always stays that way.

This past weekend we loved on Daddy even more than normal because it was his first Father's Day! You and I worked on a very special special present for Daddy, but had to keep it a secret! On Thursday before Fathers Day, we went to your friend Stella's house so that you and your friends could all make presents for your Daddies! Because both you, and Carter's  have Daddies that love to golf, we made them a special plate with your little feet as the sand dunes!  You had so much fun! You love when we get paint on your feet! It makes a mess but is so much fun!

 You will find as you get older that Mommy has a hard time keeping things like this a secret! I love giving gifts to the people I love, and I just get too excited to wait! I almost got Daddy to open the present we made him on Saturday night, but we waited, and I am so glad we did!

You must have been excited too, because you woke us up pretty early on Sunday morning! As soon as we were all up, we gave Daddy his present! He LOVED it! After he opened his present, we got to have some family cuddle time with your big brothers.
After getting up and getting ready we went to church, and then we took Daddy out to lunch. Are you surprised he picked Italian? I'm not :)

I realized when we got home that we never got a picture of you and Daddy with your present! Your brother Max had to get in the picture too :)
It was a wonderful day, and I know that Daddy felt so loved!

Quinn, you have an amazing Daddy and he is head over heels in love with you.  In your short 8 months with us, you have quickly stolen his heart. He beams whenever he sees you accomplish something new, and the way his face lights up when you say "Da Da!"  simply melts my heart. I know that the two of you are going to have a very special bond.

Good night my sweet girl :) I love you with all my heart!

Monday, May 19, 2014

What a busy week!

My Dear Quinn,
I am finding that my days are so full, and very busy playing with you, that I have not been the best at updating our blog! You fill my days with so much fun, and laughter! I love every single second I get to spend with you!

Last week started Daddy's summer vacation! He is so excited to be able to spend more time with you! On Tuesday we got up and went out to breakfast and then we got to take Daddy to story hour at the Royersford Library, and it was obvious you LOVED having him there with you!

Ali's Daddy was even able to come this week! It was so fun to meet him! 
Over the last month or so, we have been trying to get your playroom in order! Now that you have gotten to be SO big, we spend so much of our time playing and we needed a fun and comfy room just for you! We have filled it with lots of toys and books, and have even decorated it with your artwork! You LOVE to finger paint, and together we make a painting each month! We were starting to have quite a collection, so we needed somewhere to display your masterpieces, so I made a special place on the wall!

Thursday of last week was an especially fun day! Because we go to the library every week for story hour, and music class, your friend's mommies and I thought you should all have special bags to hold the books you borrow from the library! This sounds like a fantastic idea right?! We thought so too...
Well, it turns out you and your friends weren't so sure! We had lots of bright colors for you all to paint with. We had brushes, and we even used your hands and feet, but I think the fun was just too much for you all! It didn't take long before the four of you were crying and melting down! But somehow... we managed to create four beautiful bags that will get to hold lots of wonderful books very soon!

We ended the week by taking a surprise trip to Willow Grove. Friday was Grandparent's day at Nana's school and you went to surprise her! She was SO surprised. She loved showing you off to everyone at her school. Everyone absolutely loved you.. but really... can we blame them?! :)  Afterwards we got dinner at Olive Garden before we headed home. You were exhausted after a very long day!

This weekend you and I were very excited because your friends, their mommies AND their daddies came over to our house to cookout! While we waited for everyone to get here, Daddy caught a picture of the two of us playing "peek a boo" with your new play house! It is one of your favorite games right now! I go on one side, and you sit on the other, and we open and close the door, saying "peek a boo!" I love how you give me a HUGE grin and giggle! There is nothing in the world as sweet as your laugh!

 It was really nice for all of the dads to finally meet the babies, moms and other dads! I know they have heard so much about everyone! Daddy grilled hamburgers and hotdogs and Miss Susan, Miss Jodi and Miss Amber brought yummy sides and desserts! It has taken almost three months of knowing each other, but we finally got a picture of you four, adorable babies together! I love seeing the four of you together! You are such a fun group and you are all growing and changing so quickly. It is so fun to see your little friendships already forming, and how excited you get when you see each other. I love that you are making such wonderful friends and I am so very thankful that I met their mommies! They are an amazing group of women and I feel so very blessed to have made such wonderful friends here in PA! 

We ended the weekend by going to church, and going out to lunch. When we came home, we were all obviously VERY tired from the past few days because we all napped for several hours! That is a VERY rare occurrence in this house! Later that evening, Daddy and I wanted to get out of the house for awhile so we made a run to Target, where we bought you the drum set that your friend Stella has! We had SO much fun playing with it when we got home! You seemed to know how to use it right away without us even having to show you how!

Thank you for such a wonderful week my sweet girl! Every day I am reminded of what a blessing I have been given to have you and Daddy in my life, even if it is the most routine and ordinary of days. I love you to the moon and back my sweet girl!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

My Dearest Quinn,
Tomorrow is Mother's Day! Some people say that this is my first Mother's day... It is true that it is the first Mother's Day that I will get to hold you in my arms, and hug and snuggle you, but I have already had one Mother's Day with you! (but you wont remember that one :) Last year, you were still in my tummy, but Daddy made sure to make it a very special day! He bought a very special blanket for the two of you to give me. Every time I see the blanket, it makes me so very happy, and I remember the joy, and anticipation I felt on my very first Mother's Day as I waited for my sweet girl to make her grand debut!

Daddy informs me that you have worked very hard with him on a special present! Last night I was upstairs, and the two of you were hard at work, making something that appears to be very colorful! I am not sure what is it yet... but I cant imagine anything cuter than this sight!! Giving you a bath was quite a chore!! I know I will love whatever you two have planned together... but Quinn, I have already been given the most amazing gift I could have ever imagined! YOU!!!!

 For as long as I can remember, all I ever wanted was to be a Mommy. When I was little, I had more baby dolls than I could count, and I loved to dress them, and feed them, and give them baths... just like I saw my Mommy doing. I loved doing everything my mommy did. I wanted to be just like her, and so from the time I was a very very little girl, my dream was to be a Mommy.

I had an amazing role model. My mom was incredible. She was the type of person who seemed to make everything look easy. She was the type of person who always put others above herself,  taking the time to make the people around her feel special and cared for, but I think the people she managed to help feel the MOST special were me and your Uncle Scott. She loved us the way every child deserves to be loved. We never once had any doubts of her love and support. I could feel her love from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. We were loved, appreciated and cherished, and because of that example, all I ever wanted was to love someone the way that she loved me.

Well my sweet girl... dreams most certainly come true. My first dream was to be a mommy, and on October 3, 2013 my first, and biggest dream came true. You came into this world, and made me a mommy!
I dont think I could ever adequately say "thank you" for the gift you gave me of coming into our lives, but I can promise you this... I will try my very best, each and every day to make sure you know how much I love you.

I am looking forward to our day tomorrow! It may be "mother's day" but to me it is OUR day. I love you sweet girl!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

You can take a girl out of the South, but you can't take the South out of the girl

Dear Quinn,

We have had such a busy few days! On Friday we loaded up the car with LOTS of bag (way more than Daddy and I ever had before you travled with us :) and started our the trip to Virginia. I get so excited when we take our trips down South! Mommy grew up in Virginia and it is such a very special place to me. I hope when you grow up that you will come to love it as much as I do! The mountains are so beautiful, there is no denying that they are a part of God's masterpiece.

Our plan was to leave Thursday after Daddy got home from work, but you decided that you didnt want us to pack during the day! You felt like snuggling, and to be honest... that felt like a better plan to me too!! This ended up being a good thing, because your older brother Charlie ended up getting sick late that night! It was a little scary, but in the end everything ended up being okay! Daddy took him to a special doctor and they were able to make him better!

You are not a big fan of your car seat these days, so the trip down wasn't really something you enjoyed! You preferred the stops we made along the way so much more! We could tell you were really sleepy, but like you usually do... you fought sleep! Finally you gave in and got some rest!

We got to Salem in time to have dinner with PaPa and Uncle Scott. We went to one of our favorite places in Salem... Mac and Bob's! Daddy always looks forward to getting a Boston Zone! It is a calzone, with buffalo chicken tenders in it. Mommy isn't such a fan of it, but Daddy loves it! After dinner we went to see Aunt Heather! She was SO excited to see you! You were pretty sleepy, but still enjoyed visiting with Kiele and Remi. We had such a fun time. Uncle Mike made a fire in their fire pit, and we all made s'mores and caught up!

On Saturday, Mommy got her hair cut!! I love when I am able to fit this into a visit to Salem! Carla does such a great job and it was so good to see her! She loved meeting you! When it is time for your first hair cut, we will definitely be making the trip down to VA so that she can be the one to do it!

That afternoon, we had a few friends over to PaPa's for a Scentsy party. While I know that our friends wanted to smell the yummy scents... I think the real reason people wanted to come was to meet you :)  I was SO very excited that you were finally able to meet one of my best friends! Kristen drove all the way from Lynchburg with her two sweet girls to meet you!

One of the things I was most excited about for this trip was that you got to meet your GranMommy's best friend, Sharon. Sharon was such a special friend to my Mommy. They worked together at Andrew Lewis Middle School in the library, and they had so much fun together! They started as co-workers but were meant to be the greatest of friends. I know that GranMommy was with us on Saturday when you got to meet her! It was very obvious how very much Sharon loved you! 
We were able to fit in one more visit with Aunt Heather, by going to dinner on Saturday I love that Aunt Heather and I have been through so much together and we continue to be such close friends! It was so nice to have dinner with both our families! I cant wait for our next visit! 

As Mommy and Daddy were packing to go home, you discovered the piano at Papa's! People always comment on your beautiful long fingers and say they think you will be a pianist! I think they may be right :)

 We had to head back home to PA on Sunday morning, but before we left , we took  you to a very special place. The school where your GranMommy worked planted a special tree in her memory after she passed away. She absolutely loved her "little job" as she called it, and the tree would have meant so much to her, although I can guarantee she would have thought it was all too much fuss over her! It was well deserved... she was an amazing woman and I look forward to telling you everything about her over the years. I see so much of her in you already! Especially your eyes :)

This is by far one of my favorite pictures we have taken so far! It means so much to me!

 After a fast and very busy weekend, we were on the road! You snoozed most of the car ride because you seem to be developing a cold! I hate that you are getting sick, but I never tire of looking at this sweet face! 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

This is our beginning :)

Dear Quinn,
The six months that your Daddy and I have shared with you seem to have flown by. It seems like it was just yesterday that you were born, but half a year has passed by in the blink of an eye!  The love that you have brought into our lives is the most beautiful and amazing
gift that I could have ever imagined, and I thank God daily for blessing me with the opportunity to be your Mommy. You amaze us on a daily basis with how smart, loving, and adorably silly you can be. We are having the most wonderful time watching you grow, and it is my hope that by writing about some of these memories through this blog, you will be able to look back one day and understand the profound love and happiness you have brought to our lives.