Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Daddy's Girl!

Dear Quinn,
Right now you are sleeping upstairs in your crib, your brothers are curled up on the couch beside me, and I hear your Daddy laughing at a movie on Netflix. Such normal, ordinary occurrences, but tonight they have me feeling incredibly lucky, and incredibly blessed. Our little family fills this house with so much love that at times it just amazes me. There is never a shortage of smiles, hugs, kisses and laughter in our home and I pray it always stays that way.

This past weekend we loved on Daddy even more than normal because it was his first Father's Day! You and I worked on a very special special present for Daddy, but had to keep it a secret! On Thursday before Fathers Day, we went to your friend Stella's house so that you and your friends could all make presents for your Daddies! Because both you, and Carter's  have Daddies that love to golf, we made them a special plate with your little feet as the sand dunes!  You had so much fun! You love when we get paint on your feet! It makes a mess but is so much fun!

 You will find as you get older that Mommy has a hard time keeping things like this a secret! I love giving gifts to the people I love, and I just get too excited to wait! I almost got Daddy to open the present we made him on Saturday night, but we waited, and I am so glad we did!

You must have been excited too, because you woke us up pretty early on Sunday morning! As soon as we were all up, we gave Daddy his present! He LOVED it! After he opened his present, we got to have some family cuddle time with your big brothers.
After getting up and getting ready we went to church, and then we took Daddy out to lunch. Are you surprised he picked Italian? I'm not :)

I realized when we got home that we never got a picture of you and Daddy with your present! Your brother Max had to get in the picture too :)
It was a wonderful day, and I know that Daddy felt so loved!

Quinn, you have an amazing Daddy and he is head over heels in love with you.  In your short 8 months with us, you have quickly stolen his heart. He beams whenever he sees you accomplish something new, and the way his face lights up when you say "Da Da!"  simply melts my heart. I know that the two of you are going to have a very special bond.

Good night my sweet girl :) I love you with all my heart!